Arachnid Rep, Deondre “Kidd” Cardenas, who lives in Houston, was one of the many who stepped up to help rescue people from their homes and take them to shelter.
One particular incident Kidd will remember was on Sunday, August 27, when he was out in a boat with other rescuers, he noticed an arm waving out of an attic. They used a chainsaw to cut a hole in the house and there was a little girl with her mother and father. Kidd pulled the little girl out and carried her to safety, and then her parents were helped to the boat. |
Also helping was Star City Amusement, Roddy, who donated money for food for the rescuers. Elite Entertainment, Mike Brown, was on another boat in Dickerson helping people get out of their homes, and JD Rodriguez, from AVS, donated his time to the local Church by helping with the clean up and feeding people in the area. |
Arachnid extends our sympathy to all the people suffering loss from Hurricane Harvey and the devastation that has affected the lives of many. |
**Kidd is pictured in orange clothing in all photos.**